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26th February 1965
26th February 1965
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Page 1, 26th February 1965

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More Pay, Less Work

W HY, the National Joint Industrial Council for the Road Passenger Transport Industry having enjoyed an arbitration award for...

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Pay Proposals Today

O UT today are the official proposals for increases in road haulage employees' pay, embodied in R.H.(81). This puts into...

Customs Clearance Away from Port of Entry

rro enable goods imported in secure containers or vans to be examined at ports I or airports away from the point of entry, H.M....


A NUMBER of important and success4 -1 ful proposals have been made on behalf of the heavy haulage and machinery carriers' group...

Containers from Crane Fruehauf

C ONTAINERS (left) with bodies similar to those on the Vanguard frameless semi-trailer van are now being built by Crane...

Heavy Hauliers and Express Carriers

A T the annual general meeting of the heavy haulage and machinery carriers' group of the Road Haulage Association, last week,...

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'THE first full meeting of the new I maintenance advisory committee for Use Western area was held last week in Exeter, and Mr....

Concern Over Trailer Identification

T HE Transport Ferry Service has expressed its concern at the increasing difficulty of identifying trailers, containers and...

No to N.C.B. Transport Men's Three-week-holiday Claim

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE Industrial Court, in a judgment I published last week-end, turned down a claim by 1,202...

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British TIR Trailers to Use R.H.A.-issued Carnets

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A S a result of representations by the Road Haulage Association, the Belgian. Dutch and French...

Fifth refusal by N.U.R.

I N spite of the appeal . by the Minister of Transport. Mr. Tom Fraser, to leaders of the National Union of Railwaymen last...

Testing and Plating Legislating for Vehicle Standards

TESTING, plating, brakes — the problem of the existing vehicle. That was the theme of a talk given at Brighton last week to...

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'No Permission Given for Maintenance Premises r S PEAKING at Bury .

St. Edmunds last week, Mr. C. Robinson, chairman. Eastern area of the Road Haulage Association had a special word to say...

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Testing and Rates

TH E Minister of Transport, Mr. Tom Eraser, will be the principal guest at the annual dinner of the Road Haulage Association,...

Third-party Cover for Passengers?

T ' Minister of Transport said in the Commons this week that he was considering an amendment of the Road Traffic Act so as to...

Markings for Dangerous Loads

A WORKING party on the marking 1 - 1 of road tank vehicles had drafted a voluntary scheme of marking, reported Mr. George...


TH E executive council of the Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union has welcomed the suggestion of the Lord Chief Justice that a...

Motorway Ban ?

THE Minister of Transport last week I promised to consider a suggestion that he should ban from motorways battery-driven...

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L.A. was Upset A NDERSON BROS. (WESTERHOPE) I - 1 LTD. appealed

to the Tribunal on Wednesday against a decision of the Northern Licensing Authority. There were no respondents, and judgment...

Judgment Reserved on B-to-A Appeal

(IN Wednesday, the Transport Tribunal reserved judgment on an appeal by H. M. Sutcliffe Ltd. of Littleborough, near Rochdale,...

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A SECTION 178 inquiry at Cardiff last week resulted in W. H. Hall and Son (Heol-y-Cyw - ) Ltd. having two vehicles on each of...


A LL six objectors to the application by Slaters Transport Ltd., of Kirbymisperton, for a 22-vehicle El-to-A switch withdrew...

Limited Conditions Granted to Channel Airways

A WRITTEN reserved judgment of the Transport Tribunal in the Channel Airways Ltd. appeal (The Commercial Motor, January 22), in...


NAAJOR conflicts on the interpretaIVI tion of the evidence were revealed before the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday during the...

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Official Strike Powers for Company Busmen Soon ?

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT NO RADICAL CHANGES N O radical changes from the picture of road passenger transport as we...

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A FLEET of five experimental Leylandpowered integrally constructed singledeckers has been introduced by Stockholm Tramways....

Deeside Omnibus Service to Go

T HEprivately owned Deeside Omnibus Service, with headquarters in Ballater, is to be closed after 40 years of operation. W....

IN B RIEF Extra Spreadover Pay : An increase of

10s. per week in the extra payment for busmen's sprcadover duties has been agreed by Manchester Corporation establishment...

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Mr. C. H. S. Pickett, executive director of the Tilling

Group, will be retiring tomorrow (Saturday) from this capacity. But he will, for the time being, continue as a part-time...

Major Engineering Appointments by B.M.C.

EIOLLOWING the retirement of Mr. I George Argyle, chief engineer of the commercial vehicle division of the British Motor...

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No 'Fiddles' to Help State Makers

From our Political Correspondent O 11\110N at the Ministry of Transport is hardening against any devious ways of .allowing the...

Rootes Acquire British Dodge

A GREEMENT has now been reached for Rootes Motors Ltd. to acquire Dodge Brothers (Britain) Ltd., the consideration being over...

Light Leylands for Latins

B ETWEEN 200 and 300 of the Coventry-produced Leyland 2-tonner Ind 20-cwt. chassis have been sold to Zentral and South America...

Orders and Deliveries

3EDFORD/BOWYER PANTECHNICONS FOR SYD ABRAMS: The Manchester Vauxhall/Bedford main dealer, Syd Abrams _td., has ordered 50...

Double-diaphragm Brake Actuators

—Statement by Westinghouse TO correct possible incorrect impressions on one or two technical points regarding double-diaphragm...

Page 44

MR. STOKES WARNS ON COMPETITION CONCERN about "the growing inten‘ sity

of competition, not only from the U.S. and Germany but also from the Japanese" was expressed by Mr. Donald Stokes, managing...

Semi-Trailers for Heavier Payloads

S INCE work started on their first lightweight semi-trailer five months ago (The Commercial Motor, December 4, 1964), T. W....

Cut Fuel Tax T HE British Road Federation has urged the

Chancellor of the Exchequer to remove the imposition, last November, of 6d. extra on fuel tax and to make still further...

Fuel Cell Prospects F CIEL cells, which are being developed to

provide electric power for astronauts, may in the near future be used to propel vehicles such as milk floats, delivery vans and...

• B.M.C. Vehicles to be Assembled in Turkey C ONSTRUCTION work

has started at Izmir, Turkey, on the building of a new factory to assemble and ultimately manufacture a broad range of B.M.C....

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THIS 48-ft.-tong articulated I outfit (right) forms part of a Leyland Motor Corporation cavalcade that is driving overland from...


IMPROVED service facilities for Edbro I and Pilot tipping gears will result from the setting up of a group service and spares...


The G.V.9. — Chassis Brackets and Members A FAMILIAR cry is now being heard in the transport world today, particularly after...

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and Publications A DDED now to the range of vehicle-washing machines made by Dawson Bros. Ltd. is a unit designed for use by...

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ROAD-RAIL: the French carrie n where we left off

T HE recent creation by the Government of a transport co-ordinator, the intention of British Railways to run liner trains, and...

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BY THE EDITOR W HEN we organized the first one-day Fleet Management Conference last September, we were quite overwhelmed by...

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66 0 not fiddle around with things until attention is required." This is how Mr. W, H. Banot, chief engineer of the Kearley...

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sa widespread plot to

eliminate the goods vehicle W HEN we have to take a bus for a journey on a winter's day, with what a world of yearning do we...

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Legal Limits on Overall Length

A . READER asks if there is to be further limitation on the legally permitted length of a combined rigid vehicle and one...

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Recovery Troubles I WAS interested to read in the issue of January 15 an article on recovery by R. Marshall. We are also a...

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Readers Write on Transport Training

A Prime Interest TOUR article "The Desperate Need for Improvement in Transport" in the February 12 issue has no doubt been...

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THE COMMON ROOM Factors affecting traffic

This is the first of a series of articles looking at various current developments and future plans which are likely to have...