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25th January 1986
25th January 1986
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Page 1, 25th January 1986

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F ROM a purely operational point of view, the opening of

a cross-channel rail tunnel in eight years' time is probably not going to make a great deal of difference to Britain's road...

Page 3

!HA says Chunnel is mere `mousehole'

ULIERS' hopes of a e-through Channel tunnel g built were dashed by week's Anglo-French mitment to building the nnel Tunnel...

nv price cut 'not enough' says FTA

WEEK'S 0.7p per litre iction in the price of comrci a 1 dery has been lenmed as too little in the imstances by the Freight...

Page 4

38-tonners save £50m

THE USE of 3 8-tonne vehicles in 1 9 8 4 saved operators around 5() million. a new Department of Transport report has...

Spanish permit famine ahead?

1 lIE DEPA 'fransport believes that in national road haulage pen . for UK operators running Spain may soon be in gre. demand....

Two more areas agree wage deals

TWO MORE regional negotiating groups have agreed wage rates For hire or reward haulage drivers in their areas. In Devon and...

Chinese Cargo tippers leave for Peking

IHE FIRS . 1 . of 150 Ford Cargo trucks being exported to China have been shipped already. A trading company, Outsign, won the...

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lIT's 'secret' fleet

2CELS carrier TNT has Aly gathered a fleet of vehicles for its ambitious highly ctmtroversial atpt to enter the national simper...

NUR cools row

with TGWU I I IE NATIONAL Union of Railwaymen was doing its utmost this week to defuse any conflict between it and the...

Shah needs transport staff

NEW NATIONAL newspaper boss Eddy Shah urgently needs transport staff in the London area to run the radical distribution plan...

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kw and Daf both increase '85 profits

IVECO and Dal are both reporting improved sales and profit performance. lveco's worldwide sales of vehicles at 3.5 tonnes and...

P&O tops companies league

MO EUROPEAN Tram port Services is Britaii top road transport coi party, according to a st vey conducted by Mo Transport...

Forwarders — be optimistic says ICC surv

A COMPANY sur SjyN the freight forward industry should be "c riously optimistic" ab its future. K:C Business Inforr tion's...

Swiss role for Land Rover?

OFFICIAL Swiss registration statistics for last year have given Land Rover fresh confidence of finally winning a major order...

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Multipart's new fleet sales manager

DAN BHANDARI has been appointed Leyland Parts' UK fleet sales manager. His first responsibility is to develop and promote...

Pound for Silcock

DUDLEY POUND has been appointed director and general manager of car transporter Sileo& Express, based in Barking, Essex. He...

Coaching's Campus

GROWTH in the coaching interests of BCP, the Gatwick car parking, car services and coach hire firm, has led to the appointment...

OBITUARY David Murray

DAVID MURRAY, former traffic superintendent with Highland Omnibuses, has died at his home in Inverness at the age of 72. He...

Ashwell chairs new EEC liaison group

SENIOR Transport and General Workers Union official Jack Ashwell has been elected chairman of the EEC's Joint Committee on Road...

Strathclyde names bus company direct

STRATHCLYDE Passen Transport Executive nominated directors for bus operating company wl is to provide bus services a...

Smith heads new PCS division

EAST Anglian container repair and depot services company Port Container Services (PCS) has recruited Robin Smith to spearhead...

Pratt promote( at Intertrail

TRUCK rental and corm hire specialist Intertrail R tals has promoted Mich Pratt to director respons: for truck rental operatic...

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lagful of trouble for rorkshire company

CARRIER BAG full of .ograph charts, left anonytsly at the North Eastern nsing Authority's office, led to a Leeds company ig...

ent hauliers buy Mem eight-wheelers

ION( the first Mercedesiz 3025K eight-wheel rip to go into service with tish operators are two plied earlier this month by...

Fraserburgh firm fined over tacho offence

A ERASERHURGH firm was fined a total of .020 at Kincardine and Deeside District Court at Stonehaven last week ),vhen it...

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Haulier is 'bound to be unpopular' — court claim

A HAULIER who tries to achieve the maxim 1101 possible output within the permitted drivers' hours' limits is likely to be...

P&O doubles Ulster trailer capacity

NORTHERN Ireland Trailers (Scotland), P&O's BelfastArdrossan freight subsidiary, has doubled the capacity of the ferry which it...

MMB wins depot control concession

REPRESENTATIONS fr the Milk Marketing Bo have led North West( 1)eputy Licensing Authol Joins Levin to ease envir mental...

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;Hock grows bi

.COCK EXPRESS has exuded its car transport era tions frOttl Spain to ince with the official ening of its Rivesaltes ,tre near...

ucks Transport dons a new image

JCKS TRANSPORT, the uth London-based transport distribution company, has )pped the word "Transrt . ' from its name as part of...

NFC offers new hazards service

NATIONAL Freight Consortium subsidiaries SonitrolPickfords and lank freight have introduced a 24-hour hazardous products...

Price of caution

A CAREFUL lorry driver who refused to take his 10tomer any further along a dangerous ice-bound motorway in West Germany did not...

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Hurricanes' havoc

HURRICANE-force winds last week caused several thousands of pounds worth of damage to the transport industry in northern...

Speeding poll is 'irrelevant' says Dip

A POLL which says that 71) per cent of lorry drivers speed has been attacked by the Department of Transport for being...

New toll charges for Alpine tunnels

NEW TOLL cI L Iro.e s jr commercial vehicles using the Mont Blanc and Frejus tunnels through the Alps took effect front January...

EEC suggests IRU link for driver award

THE EEC's Commerci; Vehicle Driver of the Year : 1986 — EEC Road Safe) Year — may have to be bras as well as safe on the...

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Ikarus storm brews

KIRKBY CE.NTRAL's deal to bring Ikarus coach hodies into the UK and the EEC has created a storm among UK coach and bus...

Hants firm awaits 0-licence ruling

BASINGSTOKE, Hampsl independent Whites Coac International has to wait see whether action is to taken against its 24-vehi PSV...

CIE reaches OPO deal

NINETEEN years of negotiating and frustration appear to have at List brought an agreement for the introducCum of...

NBC fights Govt split plans

THE NATIONAL this Company is expected to announce next week whether its Ribble. Crosville and London Country subsidiaries arc...

Govt spends Elm on Act promotion

IF IL GOVERNMENT spending nearly SA million publicise its plans to de-ret late the bus industry. Junior Transport Minis David...

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'ewer seek licences

ERF was a 27 per cent fall he number of applications new road service licences L) in 1984/85, according figures just published...

Inspector raps Strathclyde PTE and SBG

IN WHAT is likely to be one of the last road service licensing appeals to be considered by Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley,...

lin man's guide deregulation

PLAIN MAN's guide to 1985 Transport Act, eking the way to operate deulated bus services, is ig published early next nth by -...

Volvo B9Ms for Heathrow hotels contracts

THE HRST or five Plaxtonbodied Volvo 119M semicoaches has been delivered to Ralphs Coaches, the Heathrow Airport specialist...

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Transit goes futuristic

FORD is displaying two Transit-based concept vehicles at the Geneva show — a luxury leisure vehicle called the Chasscur and a...

Better handling for metric pallets

REFINEMENTS to the Lawrence David Slidax flush sliding-side van body increase cargo space so that metric pallets can be loaded...

Hubbard unit's flush finish

FOLLOWING demands Froin operators for a small truck fridge unit with an external evaporator, Hubbard Engineering is now...

Lightweight from Neville Charrold

MANSFIELD bodybuil, Neville Charrold has p duced a lighter design of I ping semi-trailer which of extra payload, more wei over...

Wilmer wins Ni business

UN1POW ER Vehicles, ha in Thames Ditton, Surr has won an export or worth 0.5 million to sup the New Zealand defer ministry with...

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rhe tunnel of apathy

1E MAN from the Freight Trans rt Association probably said it as r:cinctly as anyone could. In Mg CAI that his colleagues had...

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Wreckers' world —dirty, cold, wet

WII1LE he was building his Chaseside empire in the United States (selling and servicing almost anything on wheels, and running...

Fleet management data

MORE computerised help is on its way for transport managers. Last week, CCN Systems (0602 410888), a credit reference and...

Electrical safety

AT a dine of year when some companies may be using temporary generators the Health and Safety Executive has issued a Guidance...

OS roads atlas

LOSING your way can waste a great deal of time, fuel and patience. The edition of the Ordnance Survey Motorin Atlas reduces...

Des Universal Cambridge inter(

• Dat: Ben Cooper Daf has acquired controlling interest in Universal Gara (Dal), of Isleham, near Cambridge. T extends Cooper's...

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Nail it down

'WITH more and more transport operators buying computers. safeguarding valuable equipment and data from theft is becoming...


More January delays IN CONJUNCTION with the Automobile Association's Roadwatch unit at Stanmore CM has produced the following...


Faster Dunlops COMPUTER-assisted ilesign and the development of new rubber compounds has enabled SP Tyres UK to upgrade the...

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RECENTLY we have seen the call Ibr a 40-tonne weight limit to replace the present 38 tonnes. One local radio station (Chiltern)...


ENGINEER'S Notebook (CM. November 16. 1985), contained a very interesting diagram of Leyland's CVT (continuously variable...


WHILE I cannot lay claim to being a driver alongside Eddie Church (Bird'seye View, December 14) in the Siddle C. Cook days — we...

Page 27

)00R Sir I lumphrey Appleby, inainiarin hero (U' Ves, ,.11inistcr

and , Prime AliptiNter would never survive II a dent to his ego. reader tells us he rang the par t of Transport switchboard,...

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HE GENEVA Motor Show is the first ernational transport aw of the year, yet my of the exhibits are culiarly specified to t the...

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THE SECOND half of the Paris-Dakar rally turned to disaster for leading competitors and organisers alike last week. Rally...

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SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFER SPECIAL OFFE W I LATE VER potential ch.inges Iii transport regulations are...

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NAW, a Swiss company controlled and 40 per cent owned by Daimler-Benz, has managed to combine volume commercial vehicle...

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R ELIABILITY, economy and value for money must be major attributes

of any bus used on regular scheduled service. And with deregulation bringing new competition, they are even more important....

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:CHOC cooking appliances which he used in commercial vehicle cabs been launched by Combined ■ ort Traders of Leighton Buzzard....


rH BLACK ice a dangerous, and n invisible hazard, CLI's Ice Watch peraturc sensor could prove a useful ty aid to winter...


R THOSE driving in desperately conditions, a new piece of survival for possible inclusion alongside items like a towrope and...


TWO traffic film removers have been added to the range of chemicals for the transport industry produced by Deepclean. They are...


A SYSTEM for keeping diesel storage tanks warm to prevent the fuel waxing has been developed by Merseyside thermal insulation...


BECAUSE of increasing use of bonded windscreens in commercial vehicles, Kent-Moore Service Products Division has launched its...