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23rd October 1959
23rd October 1959
Page 1
Page 1, 23rd October 1959

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Softly, Softly. . .

A LTHOUGH there may be a good case for increasing from 24 tons to 28 tons the maximum gross laden weight of all eight-wheelers,...

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"C" for Conveyor

W ITH Conservative rule likely for another five years, the survey of C-licence transport published on Monday by the Traders...

Men Who Make Transport-4

Robert orman Ingram "T AM afraid I am going to be a disappointment to you. I am not at all interesting," said this week's...

Bird's Eye View iy the Hawk

Switch Mid-stream A LTHOUGH in the General Election the country was unwilling to change a winning team, the Prime Minister has...

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Over the year he devotes probably six days a month

to Association business, apart from directing four companies, and seldom leaves his office before 7 p.m. He has little time for...

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Mr. Ingram Attacks Normal User

A STRONG attack upon the restriction of hauliers by means of normal-user conditions was made on Wednesday by Mr. R. N. Ingram,...


TRENGTHENS DEFENCE Growth of Ancillary Fleets Reflects Higher Standard of Service to Customers R ESULTS of the survey of...

Traffic Rise Outstrips Improvements

IT cannot yet be said that road improvements in the capital are keeping pace with the growth of traffic. As more vehicles are...

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B.T.C. Lose Appeal Against Allison's

T HE Transport Tribunal, sitting in Edinburgh on Tuesday, rejected an appeal by the British Transport Commission against the...

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Men in the News

MR. C. L. CFIRISTIE has been appointed assistant secretary of the West Midland Division of the Traders' Road Transport...

Partial Grant for Buckmaster

A PARTIAL backing grant was r - k given by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners at Glasgow last week to Buckmaster Garages, Ltd.,...

Man of Action

7 1 HE new Minister of Transport, Mr. Ernest Marples, brings to his job the driving force of a selfmade man who left grammar...

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Licence for Ministry Contract Refused

"Unfair to Other Operators" says Mr. Thom: Fresh Tenders to be Sought ? WHILST acknowledging that they might not have any...

One Hears—

That it would often save a good deal of trouble if people listened, instead of talking. That the trouble they cause is liable...

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Outward Traffic Not Sufficient for Grant of A Licence

BIRMINGHAM, Monday. VIDENCE justifying a need for traffic to be carried outward was not sufficient for the grant of an A...

Rail Rate-cutting Cuts Earnings

A N ONO decrease in gross earnings over 12 months was because of rate-cutting by British Railways, to whom floating and...

G.M.C. Make Vehicle Turbines

Til E first of 13 new automotive-sized gas-turbine engines has been produced by the Allison Division of General Motors...

Page 35

ineiple on Base to be Decided: )swald Not to Seek More Work

C HAT a haulier's base need not be in the actual area from which his outward traffic is moved, and that his vehicles need not...

Taxi-truck" Licence Refused

MAN who . wanted to operate a taxi-truck service" was refused B licence by Mr. J. A. .T. Hanlon, 'ahem Licensing Authority, at...

New Transport Companies

L Miles, Ltd. Cap. 1100. Dirs.: Mrs. Rachel /stiles, and Merton S. Miles. both of 24 Falkland Rise. Leeds. Sec.: Rachel Miles,...

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Sharp Exchange Over Linking : "Shadow Express" Service

A SHARP exchange occurred during the hearing of the North Western Traffic Commissioners' proposals to prohibit the linking of...

Perkins to Expand: £285,000 for Works

T O meet increased production, F. Perkins, Ltd., are to spend £285,000 on building three new bays at their Peterborough...

Normal User Argued Before Mr. Hanlon: Davis Bros. Seek General Terms

THE words "general goods, Great Britain" provoked a long and involved argument between Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing...

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poplicants Request Adjournment : Surprise Objector Appears

kN application to renew a "unique" B licence was adjourned at —1 Newcastle upon Tyne last week at the request of the...

£100 Yearly Loss for Scots Operator

N IVHEN Mr. D. J. Gill, Dornie, Kyle of Lochalsh, applied for a B licence to Mr. A. Robertson, Scottish Deputy Licensing...

Haulier Gaoled for Fraud

DASS1NG sentence of 18 month; imprisonment on a haulage contractor involved in the forging of conveyance notes, Judge Aarv old...

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£220,000 Orders in Three Weeks

O RDERS totalling more than £220,000 for singleand double-deck buses have been received by Leyland Motors. Ltd., during the...

Belgian Coach Shown in London

T O persuade their agents to accept bookings for coach travel on the Continent rather than turn over such inquiries to travel...

Bedford 12-ton Tractor Produced

R ATED for a gross train weight of I N. 17 tons 3 cwt., a Bedford 12-ton tractive unit is introduced today by Vauxhall Motors,...

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aence Lost After "Trafficking

IE B licence of a haulier of Trio - don Grange, County Durham, was ked by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, therm Licensing Authority, at...

More Smalls Work by Atlas

EIENCE of the increasing volume parcels and smalls business in the tgham area was made apparent last when the Atlas Express Co....

Crossing Case in High Court

• • -IE case of a Nottingham trolleybus driver whose vehicle struck a man a pedestrian crossing came before d Parker, Lord...

Hired Lorry Sold: Users Granted Licence

B ECAUSE a lorry, which had been hired on a full-time basis at an annual cost of £2,400, had been sold, the users, W. G....

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Protected Veneers for Bodywork

A DURABLE and attractive trim for coachwork interiors is manufactured by Bonded Laminates, Ltd., Old Ford. London, E.3. The...

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Expanding Universe

ideal Commentary By JANUS 1 0T so very long ago. the road user and the traffic expert wanted more than anything else to see...

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The Comme Bridge: Lorimer

e Gap By Anthony Ellis T O fill the gap in their range between the Superpoise 15-cwt. chassis and the 14-tonners, Commer...

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Dodge and Seddon to Fit New Perkins 5-litre Engine

T the Scottish Motor Show in Glasgow from November 13-21, a new oil engine manufactured by :kins Engines, Ltd., Peterborough, I...

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Guy Kill Doubts on Eight-wheeler

I be allowed to add to the statement by Mr. J. L. R. Croft (published last week) concerning the report ober 9) of proceedings...

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French Operators Fight "Expensive Illusion"

By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. Road Haulage Across the Channel Keeps Pace with Expanding Economy But Under Shadow of...

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Removers Think of Their Future

M UCH thought is bein g g iven by the more progressive members of the furniture-removals industry to its future. This was...

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Short-term Grants Opposed

A PPLICATIONS by Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., A. Stevens and Co. (Haulage), Ltd., and Messrs. Sunter Bros.— each for short-term A...

Driver-applicant Promised Work

A LORRY driver who had been promised the work of carrying animal feeding stuffs and grain for his former employer encountered...

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When the Boss Is Not Guilty

There Should be Practical Limits to Operators' Responsibility for Ensuring That Drivers' Hours are Not Exceeded p ROBLEMS...

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Chaseside Adopt Four-wheel Drive for Shovel

7HEREAS previous loading shovels 1 . manufactured by the Chaseside gineering Co., Ltd., have been twoleek-drive types, the...

New High-speed Injection Pumps by Simms

.TABLE for high-speed oil engines :ither in existence or now being

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M.I.R.A. Transmission H YDRAULIC transmissions of the pump and fluid-motor type

give an infinitely variable ratio, hut their efficiency is usually so low that they can he used only in specialized...