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23rd November 1962
23rd November 1962
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Page 1, 23rd November 1962

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Ad Infinitum

H ERE we go again! The current topic is once again pay and, with every respect to the employees and their union...

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Haulage Pay Rise Confirmed • By Wages Council

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT IN spite of some 300 objections the proposals for higher pay for Aand B-Licensed drivers...

Channel Tunnel Would Favour Artics

I N reply to a question regarding the goods traffic in the Channel tunnel at a meeting of the Institute of Traffic...

Haulier's Tribute to Dr. Beeching

S PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Colchester sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, the chairman of the Eastern Area,...

Anti-toll Move A NEW move to do away with tolls on

the Forth Road Bridge follows a meeting called by Fife County Council and attended by Kirkcaldy, Dunferrnline. Midlothian, West...

Page 9

Better Refuse-collectors Needed

THERE was no room for complacency I among local authorities and officials with regard to cleanliness and quietness in the...

Applying Rome Tr eaty to Transport

T HE position within the six members of the European Economic Corn=May as. regards the application of the Treaty of Rome rules...

E.C.S.C. Transpo rt Policy Urged T HE Supreme Authority of the

European Coal and Steel Community has been urged by the transport committee of the European Parliamentary Assembly to work out...

R.H.A. to Continue London L.D.O.Y.?

T HE Metropolitan and South Eastern area of the Road Haulage Association may still organize next year's London (Woolwich) round...

Took Lorry on Holiday

A MAN who took a British Road Services vehicle and went touring England, Scotland and WaleSswith it for a month, aPPeared at...

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Transport to Enter Overall Planning Policy

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE . Government has decided that I transport planning shall take its place in an overall...

Call For Bold Road Planning

PA A CALL for a "Dr. Beeching of the Roads" was made on Wednesday by Lord Stonham. " I regard such an appointment as an urgent...

Page 13

Flower Freight Wins Appeal

A HAULIER whose application to rm. the deputy Metrripolitan Licensing Authority was said to have been conducted in an...

'A or 113' Decision Reserved

T HE question of whether or not an applicant with an almost equal number of A and B vehicles should be allowed to add vehicles...

Duplication Sought From Manchester .

A N application was made to vary the conditions on three express carriage services operated jointly by the North Western Road...

Dispensation No B Door to Grant D ISPENSATION should not

11.2 used as a back door method for obtaining additional vehicles, said the chairman of the North Western Traffic...

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Continental Refrigerated Traffic Battle in London

a/IONICS INTERNATIONAL TRANS IVI LTD., of Uxbridge, successfully applied to the Deputy Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. C....

Large Contract A to B Switch

A TOTAL of 24 vehicles were trans ferred froni contract A to B licence by the deputy Yorkshire . Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H....

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Disquiet at Lack of Tribunal Guidance

S OME disquiet and disappointment are felt, I understand, at the way the Transport Tribunal, under its new president, Mr. G. D....


Return load evidence causes difficulties 1% AR. NORMAN CARLESS, appear ing for a number of objectors in the Granary Haulage...

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Nine-vehicle Contract Switch Bid in North West

THIS week's North Western publication I contains a substantial contract A to B licence " switch ".• R. Moorfield and Sons, of...


APPLICATIONS (November 14, 1962) P. C. Howard Ltd., Kings Clifle (Peterborough), A var., add 2 veh. (1.010, J. H. Pegg Ltd.,...

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APPLICATIONS (November IS. 1962) G. H. Nixon. Wolstanton, A var., add 1 T. (610. G.g. within 25 miles: goods as required for...


APPLICATIONS (November 14, 1962) • B.R.S. (Parcels) Ltd., Cardiff, A var., add 2 veh. (81) (Vans). Carriage of parcels and...

Express and Excursion Grants Revoked

TWO express licences and one excur sion licence held by Everton Coaches Ltd., of Droitwich, Worcs, were revoked by the West...

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Haulage of Special Loads An Important Decision

IMPORTANT questions arising under Reg. 66 of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, 1955, and the Motor...

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London Fares Rise Seems Inevitable

L ONDON fares are almost certain to go up early in the New Year. In fact, consideration of how to raise new revenue is likely...

Stratford Blue Safety A WARDS gained by the staff of Stratford-upon-Avon

Blue Motors Ltd. in the Road Operators' Safety Council Competitions for 1960 and 1961 were presented last week by the Mayor of...

Dispute Over Southdown's Pool Valley

T HE long-established terminus used by Southdown Motor Services Ltd. at Pool Valley, in the centre of Brighton. is threatened...

100-passenger Elec tric Bus Successful TH E Belgian Ateliers de Constructions

Electriques de Charleroi (A.C.E.C.) has announced completion of trials on a prototype 100-passenger diesel-electric bus, to be...

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Temperature Compensation for Hydraulic Governors

D 1.1 R I NG development work on hydraulic governors, Simms Motor Units Ltd., East Finchley, London, N.2, has devised a method...

Universal Oil Possible—But Not With Hypoid Axle

D URING the discussion on "Automotive Transmission Lubrication" presented by Mr. W. H. Patrick, of Lubrizol (Great Britain)...

NEWS IN BRIEF A.C.L. Available: Tecalemit A.C.L. (automatic chassis lubrication)

is now available as an option for S,carnmell M.H.3 and M.H.6 mechanical horse units. Guy Distributor: Woodside Garage...


specially I designed for operation in Central Africa, have juSt left Leyland Motors Ltd. for the Rhodesian United Transport...

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Ambulance from Martin Walter

A NEW design of ambulance for the transport of wheel-chair patients has been announced by Martin Walter Ltd. It is based on the...

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Air Bag Suspension Without Torque Rods

P ATENT No. 895,996 shows a pneumatic suspension system that does not need separate torque rods or other bracing devices, (R....

"Round the Corner" Torsion Bars

r\NE of the disadvantages of torsion rod suspension systems is that the rods have to be of some considerable length to avoid...

Heavy Haulage Loading

P ATENT No. 895,801 deals with heavy low-loaders such as are used for transporting cable-drums, road machinery and other...

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Bird's Eye View

A s was emphasized by Pickford's Mr. W. Ingham, when speaking to the I.R.T:E. recently, road transport of large indivisible...

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Air Suspensio I Disc Brakes

I T can now be revealed that the use of a patented arrangement of master levelling valves, located at the centre of vehicle...

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"As From Tomorrow"

I N recent years take-over bids have undoubtedly hit the headlines. The more spectacular the bid, the more likely that...

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A GROWING demand for glassfibre cabs and wings is reported by Scammeil Lorries, Ltd., these now being fitted to the standard...

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T HE main attraction on the stand of J. Brockhouse and Co. Ltd. at the Commercial Motor Show was undoubtedly its new 4-15...

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Unscheduled repairs cost more than id per mile IN a paper entitled The Cost of Wear and Tear " presented to a meeting of the...

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More Equal

L EARNED economists and other experts here and abroad insist so often on the need for road users to pay for the tracks they use...

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More on Black (and blue) Smoke

W ITH reference to the two articles appearing in The Commercial Motor of September 12 on the topic of smoke. Whilst we agree...

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Maximum Though often considered a major Productivity ploited can add

to operators' revenue G REATER productivity must seem somewhat distantfor road transport operators confronted with mounting...

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With the overall length of the drawbar trailer, rent and

rates in respect of garaging the vehicle are assessed at 115. 10d., whilst insurance adds 7s. Id. a week, based on an annual...


Rossmar Transport Co. Lid. Cap. £100. Dirs.: R R. 0. Grandison and M. I. Grandison, Monier,, Hullbridge Road, South Woodham,...

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Here's why this tyre —after a very special

retreading process— will give you all the mileage and all the performance of a new tyre at little more than half new tyre...