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21st January 1938
21st January 1938
Page 1
Page 1, 21st January 1938

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Our Inadequate Road System

D URING the discussion of a paper on automobile design read by Mr. M. Platt before the Institution of Automobile Engineers, a...

Road versus Rail Problems

O NE of our many readers abroad occupies an important position on a railway. He is a man with an excellent grasp of the...

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One Hears

That the Road Fund might be called the rued fund. That the Claththicth do not come " a-myth " to Dennith publithity I " Why...

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NEWS of the WEEK

CARTER PATERSON TO ACQUIRE BIG FLEET. Application has been made to the North-Western Licensing Authority by Carter Paterson...

Minister Planning National Board?

THAT the draft regulation framed I by the Minister of Transport, which would compel hauliers to supply intimate details of the...

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Men in the News MR. STANLEY TEAGUE has been appointed

Birmingham area manager for Specialloid, Ltd. He was formerly sales manager of Bryce and Co., the fuel-injection concern, and...

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Another Charge of Rail Canvassing A CHARGE of want of good

faith on the part of the railway companies was made by a road haulier at a Manchester inquiry, last week. Messrs. Benthams, of...

Rail Cut-rate Offer Fails E VIDENCE on road and rail charges

was heard by SiWilliam Hart, North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, at Manchester, last Friday, and was a foretaste of...

Railway Takes Traffic—Then Objects

A YORKSHIRE haulier against whose licence application the L.N.E. Railway Company's counsel advanced the change-of-business...

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A demonstration was scheduled to be given yesterday at Kensington, London, of the capabilities of Scammell vehicles in...

1. of T. Manchester Dinner S PEAKING at the Institute of

Transport dinner, held in Manchester on Friday last, with Mr. C. H. Stafford in the chair, Sir Ernest Simon said that, whilst...

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Transit Insurance Notes

FIRES ON MOTOR VEHICLES rIRE is the most serious risk 1 with which a haulier is faced. As the causes of fires are usually...

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British Oilers inaugurate State-owned Service in India

RR APID developments have followed the recent decision of the Government of Travancore State, Southern India, to purchase...

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Progress an )roduction of a British Oil Engine

Pioneer of the Small Oil Engine, F. Perkins, Ltd., having Started 54 Years Ago from Scratch, To-day is a Leader in its Particu...

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A Hard Day's Test of a Guy 5i-tanner, One of the Highest-rated Machines' in the 50-cwt. Class, Reveals Many Good Features A at...

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Watch Your Tyre Costs

Tyre Selection is a Matter That is Seldom Given Adequate A ttention, Although There is a Model for Every Purpose, Careful...

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November Registrations in a Fog

A Particularly Dull Month in which Both Goods and Hackney Vehicles Stagel a Marked Decline. Oilers the Only Bright Spot in the...

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A New 30 m.p.h. 5-6-tonner

Karrier CK5 in Latest Form is one of the Highestrated Lorries Available in the 50-cwt. Unladen Class. It is Well Equipped for...

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What the Associations

Are Doing MINISTER TO PUBLISH HAULIERS' BUSINESS? As a preliminary step in the creation of a form of rates structure for the...

Big Yorkshire Rates Plan Unfolded DLANS of the Yorkshire Area of

A.R.O. for dealing with the stabilization of haulage rates were outlined by Mr. F. G. Bibbings, general secretary of the...

Better Traffic Organization Needed MEED for improvement in the link

1 N between hauliers seeking traffic and traders who have traffic to be carried, was suggested by Mr. H. Berry, secretary of...

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How to Cosi

for MUNICIPAL HAULAGE Solving the Problems of the Carrier A Simple Method of Calculating a Rate. Why Time and Mileage Charges...

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Trailer Features to Aid Efficient Working

Improvements and New Developments are Constantly Being Effected to Trailers. We Outline a Number of Examples That Came to Our...

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Metallurgical Research Brings Striking Results

Recent Developments That Have an Important Bearing on Commercial-vehicle Construction. fit el d in g Cast Iron; Heat-treating...

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A FTER a sitting lasting only two minutes, Hove Town Council decided unanimously, last week, to oppose the Brighton Transport...

Strong Opposition to Station Plan

T HAT at a cost of £64,000 the company had already provided two bus stations in Leeds for the use of itself and certain...


L AST week, a deputation from the C.M.U.A. urged the Minister of Transport not to make public the statistical information...

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T HE North-Western Traffic Commissioners, on Monday, refused Manchester Corporation permission to grant fare concessions to...


S AFEGUARD1NG his position by pointing out that he had no power to interpret the law, Mr. J. H. Stirk, chairman of the East...

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and UERIES VALUABLE POINTERS ON INSURANCE COSTS. [5248] From my experience of late inconnection with insurance for...

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Sliding Roof for Vans to Facilitate Loading

PI A DRAWBACK to the fixed-roof type of van body for certain spheres of operation, is that the load must be introduced at the...

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A Servo-motor Without Speed-reduction Gear

A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A MECHANICAL servo-motor for incorporation in the...