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18th September 1959
18th September 1959
Page 1
Page 1, 18th September 1959

Page 45

The Jump of the Cat

HICHEVER way t h e nation's vote swings on October 8, those engaged te road transport industry njoy a cessation of the kind...

Page 46

Those Unofficial Strikes

T HE strike weapon, as it is so often called. is. like any other, dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced, and is,...

Passing Comments

Effects of the American Steel Strike T HE steel strike in the U.S.A. did not, in its early stages, greatly affect employment...

Page 47

One Hears

bat a good skeleton in the body is better than one in cupboard. hat H. and J. Quick, Ltd., have encountered a rapid f, who...

Page 48

Tories to Give Priority to Road-building

THE Conservative party promise in their Election manifesto to double I the amount of road-building during the next five years...

Fumes Break Roads— But Not Health O IL-ENGINE fumes and their

effect on health and roads were the subject of many questions at the conference of the West Riding Urban District Councils'...

Page 49

pour Special A Vehicles Suspended After £482 Fines

HE suspension of four vehicles, during October, from the special A licence of Henry Long (Manningham), Ltd., Bradford, was...

rmany Offers Rear gines, Air Springs

-IRE is much of interest among all Lasses of goods and passenger e at the Frankfurt Show, John 1, technical editor of The...

Dunlop Now Making Liquid Containers

rOLLAPSIBLE containers made of rubber reinforced with nylon are now being produced by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Cambridge...

Page 50

Men in the News

MR. F. S. Bayshrr has been appointed Midland manager of Silentbloc, Ltd. MR. F. W. R. Moony has bccn appointed assistant sales...

Half Grant : Objection Withdrawn

CIPPOSITION --by British Railways %-/ and two hauliers—to an application by A. Ramage and Son, Douglas Water, to add eight...

Page 51

tovel and Digger in New Tractor

new MF 702 industrial tractor w being produced by Massey)n. Ltd., Coventry, is based on the agricultural model with a number...

Britain Enters French Component Business

'THE British motor industry has effected I an important technical penetration of the French industry and gained a vital...

90-cu.-yd. Refuse Vehicle for Britain

T "eproduced under licence in this country by the Powell Duffryn Engineering Co., Ltd.. Cardiff, the American Dempstef refuse...

New Vehicle Would Get Wider Scope

/ -1 A HAULIER was told at Carlisle this week that if he came back "tomorrow " with a new vehicle, the Northern Deputy...

Page 52

Transport Sought at Uneconomic Rates : Licence Wanted for Return Loads

T HE Consett Iron Co., Ltd., had arbitrarily cut their transport rate to a figure at which contract vehicles could not operate...

Leyland Assemble 60 a Month in Australia

T HE assembly section of the new plant operated by Leyland Motors, Ltd., at West Footscray, Melbourne, is now handling some 60...

Page 53

;.al Running No Bar o Excursion Grant

Minister of Transport has decided make nu, Order on the North n Traffic Commissioners in respect !.ir granting an application...

Fines for Weight Cheek Refusal

A LORRY owner, and the driver whom he had instructed not to allow the police or council officials to weigh the vehicle, were...

Police Officer Supports Lorry Drivers

THE suggestion made at a Road Safety Federation meeting at Bromsgrove last week, that commercial-vehicle drivers should travel...

Page 54

Provincial Cities Throttling Too

A BOOKLET, "New Ways," published last week by the Roads Campaign Council, points out that Chester, Halifax and Leeds, like...

Piekfords Claim—A Change of Business

A SUGGESTION, that the purchase 1 - 1 of a trailer with an unladen weight of more than 7 tons, which replaced one of 2 tons 13...

Micrograms.. .

New Branch Office: The United Dominions Trust, Ltd., open a new branch office on Monday at 7-9 Cowgate, Peterborough. Head...

Page 59

! Thefts X41,004 Up k Four Months

,FTS of loads or part toads from London area soared from in the first four months of 1958 000 in the corresponding period "...

Glasgow Corporation Criticized by Mr. Quin

THE contract policy adopted by L Glasgow Corporation was criticized by the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. W. F. Quin, at...

Shorter Probation for London Busmen

A N offer by London Transport, to 1— X reduce the probationary period served by drivers and conductors from two years to one,...

New Transport Companies

A. and H. Transport, Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: A. 1.. lloldgate, 2 Highbury Gardens, Ilford. Essex, and W. W Allen, 23...

Page 60

T.R.T.A. Members Object to New

Tyre Discounts MUMEROUS objections to the changes I in new tyre discount categories, recently introduced by the Tyre...

Western S.M.T. and McGill's Start New Fight

first round of a new struggle to T i supply passenger services in the Barrhead-Paisley area, between Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd.,...

Page 61

quiry After Axle ise in Yorkshire

increase in unladen weight of a tcial A vehicle from 6 tons 12 cwt. Is 19 cwt. was due to an additional aving been fitted, the...

First Fines For Spitting Loads on Roads

T HE first prosecutions, under a new by-law which prohibits the spilling of materials on the highway, were heard by Wilnecote...

Can Conditions Be Placed on Consent ?

T " applications, by West Hartlepool Corporation, in connection with the running of a works service were granted by the...

Page 62

American-type Semi-traill British Users

M ORE than half of North American longdistance road haulage is carried out by articulated vehicles incorporating frameless...

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Double-deck Roads into Birmingham

B IRIVLINGHAM will consider the possibility of using two-deck roads through part of the city, following a request made by the...

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Significant Licensing Cases

When Customers Cut Rates P REOCCUPIED with keeping down costs, in the face of growing competition, many manufacturers and...

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Next Sunday's Driving Tests

T HE 110 drivers who have qualified in 12 regional eliminating contests to take part in the final round of the Lorry Driver of...

Page 67


)11/B/ 7110 Witnessing of Official Vehicle Examinations Reveals Surprising Number of Recurring Faults, Mainly on the Lighter...

Page 73

ew Equipment and Publications

Rust-proofing Steel metal-finishing division of the Pyrene Co., Ltd.. Brentford, .Middx, are now marketing the Endurion...

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Political Commentary By JANUS

First Explorers S HOULD the next Government put in train the impartial inquiry into transport that is sometimes proposed, not...

Page 79

iasifier Gas Turbine Has Many Advantages

Reduced Weight, Operating Costs and Maintenance Could be Achieved by This Interesting Possibility in the Field of Heavy...

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Bird's Eye View

Given the Bird By The Hawk J OHN MOON, technical editor, has spent several hot, greasy days taking part in Ministry of...

Page 83

dulti-fuel Unit Capable of 5,000 r.p.m.

.460 c.c. Unit Gives 17.5 b.h.p. on Variety of Fuels : 70 b.h.p. Engine Envisaged HE Elstree Series 460 c.c....

An "Omnivorous" TS3

G ERMANY, the birthplace of multifuel engines, is being invaded this week by " omnivorous " units of British manufacture. These...

Page 84

Face-lift r Firm Favourite

By Anthony Ellis S INCE its introduction in 1952, the Bedford CA 10-12-cwt. chassis and its 15-cwt. variation have sold at the...

Page 87

uld Now the CAL . . .

JBLICAT1ON of the road test report on the Bedford 8-ft. 6-in.-wheelbase van was delayed by the dispute in printing industry....

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Credit Becomes Respectable

W HATEVER the political future may have in store for commercial vehicle operators, they could be affected for many years to...

Page 93

June Production Leaps

:ODUCTION of commercial vehicles in June jumped to 39,623 from the figure of 28,156, the weekly average 1.1t rising from 7.039...

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Rubber Rear Suspension

A RUBBER suspension system covered by patent No. 816,071 is suitable for tandem-axle bogies. (Metalastik, Ltd., Evington Valley...