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18th July 1912
18th July 1912
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Page 1, 18th July 1912

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Street Accidents in London.

Mr. McKenna, answering a question in the House of Commons on the 10th inst.—nine days after we had gone to press with our last...

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One Hears— That the Speyerder has not yet finished the eating.

That the new single-deckers in Paris have a downat-heel appearance. That Frank Searle, from New York, is grass-hopping via...

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A Strong Plea for Better Maintenance.

By a " Representative whose Duties Principally take Him "Amongst the Users." One of our modern humourists recently announced...

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Main-Line Trains of Self-propelled Coaches.

A Description of a Novel Scheme to Increase the Load-carrying Efficiency on Railway Main Lines. By T. C. Aveling, Assoc....

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A Practicable Five-cwt. Delivery Van.

Description of a Small Model for Which There is an Undoubted Demand. In the course of a number of business conversations, in...

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The 2-..ton Overtype Brasier.

A New Continental Model to be Placed on the British Market. On Thursday last there arrived at the London depot ot the Societe...

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News and Comment.

This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. A newly-introduced 2i-tonner is described for...

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Walthamstow, appears to be producing satisfactory results for both parties to the contract. The type of Commercar-Simonis...

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Goods Transport

Goods-vehicle users will be interested to read the descriptions of the Belsize 5-cwt. and the Brasier 50-cwt. models in this...

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Out and Home. By " The Extractor."

The Agent's Status. One Notes that-My Steel-rubber Treads. Mr. Joseph Stafford, of the M.T.A., and formerly the Secretary of...

A German Suction-Gas Tractor.

Communicated by Our Berlin Correspondent. 'I send an illustration ot a suction„gas tractor, made at the Ruhrwerke '...

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Passenger-Vehicle Topics.

Mr. E. A. Greathed is now rnanagmg director of the National Motor Cab Co., Ltd., and Mr. Charles E. Esse, at one time a member...

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Opinions from Others.

A Doncaster Visitor. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1578] Sir,—During my recent visit to the Doncaster Show, I found that...

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Frcm Drivers and Mechanics.

TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best corn. munication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...

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The Supply Department.

Selected I nformation which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. Compressed Air Hammers. A little...

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Patents Completed.

A New Wolseley Chain and Spur Gearbox. The Wolselev Tool and Motorcar Co , Ltd., and A. - J. Rowledge, No. 17,651, dated 3rd...