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17th December 1983
17th December 1983
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Page 1, 17th December 1983

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)st in peace

APER Britain's motorway network serves the country well. There are exceptions north of Scotland and Cornwall could very well...

lext Week

I Christmas issue is, unlike your stmas pudding, traditionally light. But the pudding it has enough spice to e it enjoyable....

Page 7

Drawbar maximum to go to 38 soon?

A MOVE to increase the maximum permitted gross weight of drawbar outfits to 38 tonnes is beginning to gather momentum, writes...

Rolls-Royce sale?

ROLLS-ROYCE and Perkins Eng ownership, as Vickers is on the with Massey Ferguson. Vickers has been known to be interested in...

£100 basic

LIVERPOOL haulage driv have broken the £1100 barrier basic wage rates for 32.5-it ners and also are the first Britain to launch...

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Design for loading

1INERS and engineers designing service areas and access roads ommercial vehicles may now have an easier task, thanks to a...

Star Bodies

STAR BODIES, one of the National Freight Consortium's bodybuilding subsidiaries, is being kept as a going concern, but nearly...

Severn Bridge — 'not ostriches'

THE GOVERNMENT has defended its handling of the Se vern Bridge problems and has emphasised its willingness to build a second...

FTA slams ban

AN INDUSTRY spokesman lashed out this week at "premature and doctrinaire" action by the Greater London Council in imposing a...

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Sales booming

COMMERCIAL vehicle sales look set to equal those for 1980 this year, according to the latest figures published by the Society...

CV production up

COMMERCIAL vehicle production is also increasing, according to the Department of Trade and Industry. DTI figures for November...

Transquip buy King Trailers

KING TRAILERS, the Mar Harborough based special trailer, transporter and pul utility equipment manufactui has bought the...

More M25

ANOTHER four miles of the h London orbital route w opened last week, with a I between the A3 and M3 n being in use. Opening...

Ridley meetings

BOTH of the main industry tri associations have had hour lc meetings with Transport Sec tary Nicholas Ridley, their fi since he...

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NBC's Law and Macy

THE NATIONAL Bus Company has appointed Roger Macy as financial executive and Melvyn Law as automotive electrical engineer. Mr...


TONY BALLANTYNE-EVANS, an executive director of Mitchell Cotts, has been elected to the London Regional Council of the...

Karrier's Cook

COLIN COOK has become public relations manager for Karrier Motors, taking over from Ian Metcalfe who has joined Daf Trucks. Mr...


We record with regret the death of Fred Baker, of T. Baker and Sons (Transport), of Tipton, West Midlands. A member of the...

Randall md

ROGER RANDALL has been made managing director of Wincanton Vehicle Rentals, based at its Brentford head office. His...

VAG commercial

PETER ROTHERHAM has come fleet sales manager of newly-formed VAG (UK) c( mercial vehicle division. He will lead a new team ba...

All change at IT

LONDON TRANSPORT has made three senior staff changes M. Elms is schedules manager for London Buses following the rE ment of...

Job finder

PUBLISHED every two months by the Institute of the Motor Industry, Fanshaws, Bricken don, Hertford SG13 8PQ, is a job placement...

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Wall weighbridge to be examined

IISTRATES at Lichfield, Staffordshire were to visit the site of lynamic axle weigher at Wall this week in a case where it is...

Jones's salt talks fail

A NORTH Wales haulage firm lost an appeal at Shrewsbury Crown Court last month over an under weight lorry load of salt. D. H....

Dutch fax

AN ANGLO-DUTCH deal has been secured to add additional load matching information to the Road Haulage Association's Cargofax...

Heron sale

LEX SPECIALIST Transport has bought Baileys of Westbury's magazine and periodical depot at Hoddesdon, in Hertfordshire. The...

Lousy Lire

THE BRENNER pass route into Italy has proved expensive for some international drivers from Britain and other EEC countries who...

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Operator's reprieve

AN OPERATOR whose licence was revoked because his partner and Certificate of Professional Comperitance holder did not work...

Dover rises by 13.5 per cer

GROWTH of lorry traffic throu Dover harbour is now running 13.47 per cent above last yeti level, according to figur published...

Barton Bridge

WORK could start next year the Efim widening of the Barg Bridge section of the M63 m the Manchester Ship Canal no Eccles. The...

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Ford/Motor Panels win

ID and Motor Panels are two of the four joint winners of this r's Royal Society of Arts Presidential Award for Design...

Europe forecast

A "MODEST RECOVERY" in commercial vehicle production in Europe in 1984 is forecast in the latest report from the DRI Europe...

GKN plans

GKN IS PLANNING to begin volume production of composite leaf springs in a little over one year from now, at a new factory to be...

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Bedwas to Chorley Scammells

nef BEDWAS BODYWORKS of Bedwas, Newport, Gwent, a member of the Securicor group of companies has opened a new factory in...

Wessex's Wight tanker

WESSEX PETROLEUM has bought a highly manoeuvrable tanker from Reynolds Boughton (Devon) to make deliveries on the Isle of...

THE first two Leyland Roadti 20.32 6 X2 tractive units to

cc off the Scammell produci line at Watford have been livered to Mayhew of Uckfi East Sussex. Together with new refri rated...

Allison autos

IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S gri distribution is attempting dispel clutch problems on two most recent Fodens in fleet by fitting them...

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Chalker reassures on motorway limits

1ACH OPERATORS need not fear any reduction of the rtorway speed limit damaging the potential of their exIss services provided...

,runch ahead

E BIG CRUNCH on new bus I coach sales is still some inths away, judging by the ciety of Motor Manufacturers I Traders figures...

No deregulation Private operators wishing to compete or expand their

operations into the stage carriage sector should have more opportunity in future although no more liberalisation of road...

Tours ruling

CHARGES against Wallace Arnold Tours, alleging the operation of stage services without a road service licence because the...

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Scots power bid

ALL OF SCOTLAND'S regional councils have made a bid to gain bus operating powers, but the Government will almost certainly turn...

Strathclyde refused

STRATHCLYDE PTE has been refused a licence for a weekend service into surrounding operators' territory. The Scottish Traffic...

Plymouth aid

PLYMOUTH City Transport is introducing a series of bus routes specifically for the disabled. The services will use a Leyland...

Compulsory coach belts'

THE GOVERNMENT is col ering the case for making ID and lorry drivers wear belts, Transport Minister 1_ , Chalker told MPs. Mrs...

Flock it to 'e

RIBBLE Motor Services has r signed vandal-proof glass forced plastic seats on som its buses by spraying them flock to make them...

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ring Foden due

DONE Commercial Motor our November 25 issue :re you focus on Foden :ks. try little publicity is given by r magazine to the...

Drtificates of impetence

IlLE sharing some of John tcher's views of the CPC (CM vember 19 1983) and his nparison with dear Barbara 3tle's TML, I must...

The Alex Cameron Lecture

THE ALEX CAMERON lecture (CM November 12) may not mean much outside Institute of Road Transport Engineers circles but it is an...

Studying owner-drivers

WE ARE conducting a pilot study into the contribution made by owner-drivers of unit loads to the distribution of homogeneous...

I will show you something different

IN HIS report of the RHA conference (CM December 3, page 18) Mike Rutherford says of the attendance by my former DTp colleagues...

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ansport gets in on e video act

4DON TRANSPORT promises imper fun Christmas with te video films for the price of Fit for all the family, they ict the daily...

P climbs over the bby fence

ADERS are accustomed to ibying Members of -liament but the reverse )cess is less common. -haps one should not be . prised when...

See Wigan Pier and ski

THE NORTH WESTERN Tourist Board is promoting the attractions of the industrial north. A weekend in Wigan — "See the new Wigan...

End of an era for Andrew

TWENTY-TWO years is a long time to have held a public relations contract and there can't be much wrong with a man who has done...

Charge those who run up public bills

THE ROAD Haulage Association touches a delicate spot when, in protesting that public accident costs should not be charged to...

The sky's the limit for radials

WHEREAS the cross-ply tyre was fast running out of tread 25 years ago, Francois Michelin, head of the company bearing his name,...

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Very interesting. . .

The new improved Cruiser seems all the mid-range haulier could want for Christmas. Fuel economy has not been achieved at the...

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London planners just going round in circles?

jestion in Central Ion will be just as Nhen the M25 is plete, according to /lovement for Ion. Mike erford has been rig to the...

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7Tco ficca by Janus

Who's Transport Secretary this month? Who's against quotas at present? What a year that was. And 1984 is likely` to be worse...

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X auf a7 .0 )0cci by Bill Godwin

lew technology at French ransport Expo kNISPORT EXPO 84, to be I in Paris in May 1984, will be fifth of a series of specialist...

Swiss roll out the Junior

IN A FEW weeks' time the 1984 commercial motor show season will open with the Geneva Salon (January 20-29). This event will be...

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I Watford's not the only station with a gap

Motorway service areas are not the inviting oases that they could be. Brian Weatherley analyses them and suggests ways they...

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Next-day parcels arrive

There has been a tremendous provement in parcels ervice standards over le past year or so, and David Wilcox looks at two of the...

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LAST SUNDAY we presented Tom Curran of Roadline with the

Mark Vane Memorial Awards for 1983. Tom received his award for courage, but there were other entries on behalf of men who...

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by Frank Woodward

Be safe all year round THE TESTING and inspection of goods carrying vehicles is the main ingredient of many Regulations to...