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14th January 1966
14th January 1966
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Page 1, 14th January 1966

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Goods Transport

HAROLD WOOD STARTS AGAIN AO. HAROLD WOOD, founder and one-time chairman and managing director Of the 500-plus...

Co-ordinating Transport Training

TN a serious attempt to -a further what he regards as inadequate training facilities for road transport management, Mr....

Pay-and-productivity pacts on the way

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT I le pay negotiations were resumed in London yesterday (Thursday) at the road haulage...

Bridge Boycott?

IF the proposed 10s. toll for commercial vehicles using the new Tay road bridge is imposed, major Scottish hauliers will...

Page 29

TRTA Secretary Favours Abolishing Current Licensing



riPERATORS of goods vehicles who are about to renew their excise licences are again reminded that all rates were increased in...


A SK a telephone operator for "Freephone service 667" and anyone, anywhere in Britain will be connected to the new Port...

Page 30

New Truck Range from Albion

F OLLOWING the testing of prototype models of the Albion Super Reiver 19 range of six-wheelers, introduced by Albion Motors...

Showdown soon on liner trains?

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A SHOWDOWN over the right of private road hauliers to use the BR liner train terminals...


D UE to commence today is a new threetimes-weekly roll-on/roll-off ferry service between Southampton and Rouen (France) to be...

Page 31

A lcan goes articulated by R. D. Cater . . . and has its drivers trained accordingly

INCREASING demands on the transport organization of the Alcan Industries factory at Banbury, Oxfordshire, caused the company's...


• p'ORTHCOMING ferry services operated by Swedish lines for roll-on/roll-off traffic between Grimsby/Immingham and Germany,...

Page 32

Road cuts must be restored'

O NE of the things that Mrs. Castle must do, and do quickly, was to restore to the road programme the cuts that were made in it...

Co-ordination of Transport is still 'on'

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT W ITH a blare of publicity, Mrs. Castle has apparently sent a wind of change whistling down...

New Broom at the Ministry

"TT is true that I am creating a new 1 is planning department for my Ministry" was the pertinent comment by Mrs. Barbara...

Page 33


TIFIE Transport Tribunal on Wednesday I. dismissed an appeal by racehorse trainer Mr. G. 0. Fenningworth, of Richmond, Yorks,...

Maj.-Gen. Elmslie orders four suspensions

W HAT the South Eastern Licensing Authority, Maj.-Gen. A. F. J. Elmslie, called "a lenient view" was taken when four road...

Somervale apply in place of Wakes A N application .for bus

services from Blandford Forum to Glastonbury and to Midsomer Norton has now been made by Somervale Coaches Ltd., of Midsomer...


THE Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Gazdar, heavily censured Brown and Wright (Haulage) Ltd., of Tilney St....

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Third Day of Hart B-to-A Hearing

DECISION RESERVED ON LARGE BID T HE North Western Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, reserved his decision at the end of...


T HE Western Licensing Authority last week granted R. G. Rummery (Transport) Ltd., of Honiton, Devon, a licence after 12 Devon...

Isle of Wight Grants

rr HE South Eastern Traffic Commis1 sioners last week granted an application by Southern Vectis Omnibus Co. Ltd. to run a stage...

Page 39

Three-month suspension for one

A HAULAGE company which has had 18 r - t prohibition notices against its vehicles in the past five or six years had one vehicle...

Grant for direct services

'THE Scottish Traffic Commissioners have granted 1 " to Scottish Omnibuses Ltd., Walter Alexander and Son (Midland) Ltd. and...

'Experimental' Birmingham—Scotland Express Granted

G RANTING Stockland Garage Ltd., of Birmingham, a night express service to Largs, Scotland, with a picking-up and setting-down...

Glasgow—Bournemouth express services bid

AT a hearing in Edinburgh last week, which was E - L adjourned. Scottish Omnibuses Ltd. sought authority to operate express...

Page 40


APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1966) Harry Priestley and Sons Ltd., Leeds, new A lic.. 4 veh. (180. Mainly machinery, pelts....


APPLICATIONS (January 6,1966) Awe- - ; T. H. Butler Ltd., Wolverhampton, new A lic., 13 veh. (66-2t) Mainly enamel, wire...


APPLICATIONS (January 5, 1966) T. A. Bulmer and Co. Ltd.. Middlesbrough In March, 1963, this company gave an undertaking to the...


APPLICATIONS (January 4,1966) I. A. Andrew, Blandford Forum. A var.. add 1 T. 189. Solid fuel, tiles and machinery, scrap, and...


APPLICATIONS (January 7, 1966) W.H.S. Transport Ltd., Liverpool, new A lic,. 8 veh. 112441. Newspapers periodicals books,...


APPLICATIONS (January 5,1966) Cridlands Transport Ltd., Cardiff, A var., delete 3 veh. 12219. add 4 art. (28t). Mainly steel,...


APPLICATIONS (January 6,1966) F. V. Carroll and Son Ltd., Hounslow. Micfcri, A var.: etcl 6 veh. (240. Worth and Langridge,...

Page 41

Would standardized forms shorten public inquiries?

rrHE Transport Tribunal are often asked by counsel appearing before them to offer guidance to the road haulage industry. Such a...

Page 42

Mr. Leslie Walker, transport manager of British Celanese Ltd., Spondon,

has retired after 30 years' service. Mr. Walker is a member of the East Midland Transport Users' Consultative Committee, having...

Mr. Lewis Street, for many years transport manager of Christopher

Pratt and Sons Ltd., of Bradford, has retired. He was presented with a television set at a ceremony attended by board members.

Among the Knights Bachelor created in the New Year Honours

was Mr. Joseph A. Hunt, an executive director of The Chloride Electrical Storage Co. Ltd. The honour was awarded for services...

Following reorganization of its technical sales department, Clayton Dewandre Co.

Ltd. has appointed Mr. W. H. H. Smith, formerly technical sales engineer, as technical sales manager and Mr. L. Stanley,...

Mr. G. H. Thornley, director and chief technologist of the

Castrol Group, retired from executive office on December 31. He continues as a technical consultant and non-executive director...

Mr. G. Maclean, director and general manager of Pickfords Ltd.,

and Mr. J. N. Dnmimond, director and chief heavy haulage manager, have retired from the board. Mr. G. J. Skelton has been...

Mr. J. T. Hanlon, the Northern Licensing Authority, is to

resign as deputy chairman of Durham Quarter Sessions. He was recently appointed chairman of Northumberland Quarter Sessions.

Mr. L. A. Hubbard, who for the past 15 years

has been Leicester branch manager of Lep Transport Ltd. and associated companies, has been appointed general manager of the Lep...

Mr. A. J. Downing has been appointed accountant (designate) of

BRS Parcels Ltd. London parcels area, pending the retirement of Mr. W. J. Lucy on March 26. Mr. Downing is at present...

Mr. Arthur J. Burton has been appointed managing director of

Fafnir Bearing Co. Ltd. coincident with the resignations of Mr. W. L. Hubbard and Mr. G. H. Marchant as joint managing...

Mr. I. Andrews has joined the board of Walter W.

Saunders Ltd. He has had a long association with the commercial vehicle trade and joined the company 18 months ago as general...

Mr. R. A. C. Smith has retired as assistant managing

director of Jarvis Robinson Transport Ltd. to devote more of his time to the family business, Robert Smith and Sons,...

Mr. J. W. Thompson and Mr. D. C. Fastfledge have

been appointed divisional directors of Smiths Industries Ltd. and become members of the motor accessory divisional board. Mr....

Mr. John Mullis has joined the board of Styla Accessories Ltd. as sales director. Previously he was general sales manager.

Mr. C. J. Howell, previously sales manager of Lighthouse Ltd.,

is now manager of the Florida Auto Bulb depot at 27a Queen's Square, Bath, which opened recently.

Mr. Arthur Corthorn, chief buyer of Clayton Dewandre Co. Ltd.,

retired at the end of 1965 on reaching the age of 65. Mr. Norman Dickinson, who throughout his career with Clayton Dewandre was...

Mr. Alan Thomson has been appointed national passenger group secretary

of the Transport and General Workers' Union. He succeeds another Scot, Mr. Sam Henderson, who died last November. Mr. Thomson,...

Mr. Harold C. Neville, advertising and publicity manager of Joseph

Lucas Ltd., has been appointed a director on the board of Joseph Lucas (Batteries) Ltd. He will still retain full control of...

Mr. Jeffrey Greenhalgh, executive of the export division of Atkinson

Vehicles Ltd., left for Beirut last week. Mr. Greenhalgh will pass through all the major Arab countries visiting both old and...

Two new directors have been appointed at Metal Sections Ltd.,

of Oldbury, a subsidiary of Tube Investments Ltd.—Mr. Oswald F. Rendell, to be responsible for management services, and Mr....

Baron Edmond de Selys Longehamps, of Petrofina SA, has been appointed a director of Petrofina (Great Britain) Ltd.

Mr. G. F. Shipman has joined the board of Simms Motor arid Electronics Corporation Ltd.

New Parliamentary Secretary

T HE Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Power, 35-year-old Mr. John Morris, has been switched to the Ministry of...

Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister of Transport, has appointed Mr. David

Ennals, MP, and Mr. Reginald Freeson, MP, to be her Parliamentary Private Secretaries.

Page 45

LTB, Municipal and Company Pay Claims

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N EW pay claims are on the way for more than 200,000 workers in the three sections of...

Traffic control by computer

I N both London and Glasgow, moves are being made towards control of traffic by corn puler. A member of the University of...

Roadliners for Darlington

qv( Daimler Roadliner rear-engined single deckers have been ordered by Darlington Corporation Transport for one-man bus...

Albion Vikings for Eatonways

'MEW coaches to be introduced this year by the Eatonways Group, of Birmingham, include four of the new Albion Viking VK43L...

Panthers for Joint Hartlepools Service

HARTLEPOOL Corporation and West Hartlepool Corporation Transport have each ordered four Leyland Panther rearunderfloor-engined...

Page 46

Bus Fares Freeze for Ulster?

T HERE should be no further fares increases on Ulster Transport Authority buses, according to the recommendation of Mr. Werner...

More Competition in Bus Industry Urged

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T N the latest non-official political pamph let to come from the Tory headquarters in Smith...

North London

Reorganization C HANGES to bus services in north, north%–.0 east and north-west London are to be introduced by London...

London's Sunday Bus Cuts: Cuts in Sunday bus services planned

by London Transport will be introduced on January 23. The number of Sunday bus passengers has fallen by 54 per cent in the past...

Page 49


T WO new Crane Fruehauf refrigerated van new recently put into service on meat haulage by the Union Cartage Co. Ltd. are...

Bedford sales up

E success of the Bedford 6 and 8 cwt. r vans introduced in 1964 is said to be largely responsible for increased sales of...


6,137,536 vehicles passed through the Dartford Tunnel, the cross-Thames link between Essex and Kent. This was an increase of 28...

Page 50

Carrimore gear for Malayan tankers

N OW being supplied to Shell, Esso and Caltex in Malaysia are Harper Gilfillan Carrimore fuel tankers built at Kuala Lumpur...

Case Hardening Practices Part I

Iii TTLE progress would have been possible within industry had it not been for the technique of case hardening, whereby steel...

Page 51

Factory three-wheeler

T HE Kerry Works Truck, a new, low-priced, factory internal transport vehicle, is now being marketed in the UK by Mercurial...

Filling stations—night service details

A LEAFLET giving details of 274 filling station locations throughout Great Britain which are open either late at night or all...

N EW ranges of body repair equipment are now available from

Stenor Ltd. The first is a heavy-duty panel repair kit, the basis of which is a model 1500 Car Hammer. Through a patented...

Anti-crash lamp

The And-Crash Fog RearGuard lamp. A NEW lamp to supplement the standard rear lighting of vehicles in times of poor visibility...

Portable transformer

A NEW, fully insulated, portable welding transformer weighing only 57 lb. and capable of laying down up to 10 s.w.g. rods...

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Bird's Eye View

Model Engineer T T EIC ESTER en g ineer Roy Payne, who spent many years as a service en g ineer with the fi g htin g vehicle...

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By A. J. P. Wilding, AMI Mech E, MIRTE I T is not so long ago that Use of refrigeration techniques in road transport was...

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In Your Opinion

Worthwhile Discussions I WOULD like to make a few comments on some of the points mentioned in your discussion on goods vehicle...

Wheatley (Trailers) beat forecast

TFIERE was good news for the shareholders of F. W. WHEATLEY (TRAILERS). For the year that ended on October 31 the directors...

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The success of one-man-operated vehicles and the availability of 36-footers

may encourage Chesterfield Corporation to discontinue operation of double-deckers within a few years By P. A. C. Brockington,...

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(-AVER the past year or so the public have paid more attention % , —/than ever before to the maintenance standards of...

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Cold Repairing Cracked

; 1 ylinder Blocks By N. Tinwell Managing Director, Metalock (Britain) Ltd. all the various types of and-freeze solutions...

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Evaluation fact or fiction

Some of the factors that can underlie the roadworthiness of a vehicle. T ECHNICAL skill and experience are obviously the...

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S TATISTICS and the law of transport are two of the most difficult subjects on which to advise suitable reading in preparation...